Sunday, September 23, 2018

Lazy Sunday on a Houseboat

Had lots of people asking how things are on the houseboat.  The answer I give is 'cluttered'.  I'm slowly unpacking but it is really amazing how much stuff I still have!  The end is in sight though, I"m getting down to the last sets of boxes so hopefully I can start having people over soon.

It is a beautiful day in Seattle, we've had rain and wind but today is amazing.  Friday night was my first real storm and while it was tippy it wasn't too bad. 

Happy Puppy enjoying the sun

The advantage of having 353 square feet is that it's relatively easy to clean :) today I'm working on the kitchen, cleaning the counter, putting dishes away and trying to organize all the things.  I have put in my first 'tiny house' functionality with hooks to hold mugs.

Mugs and Instant Pot rings

I may have found a boat handyman person, he is going to try to get over this week to start giving me estimates.  I have a laundry list of things, but once I know the cost I can start deciding.  The biggest thing is some shelving, modifying the bed and moving the hot water tank to under the bed so I have more space in my closet.  Oh I need more shelves, so may shelves.

It's been quite a year! or F*** 2020

 I realized the other day that it had been a while since I updated.  I am going to blame 2020 and Covid.   Brief summary of this past year: ...