Sunday, April 28, 2019

Lilacs are blooming! And the goose is hatching eggs....


My lilacs are blooming!  I've loved these flowers since I was a kid and I couldn't grow them in SoCal due to it not getting cold enough.  They smell amazing and are hanging out on my little porch.

Moving on.... one of the things that is pretty unique about living on or very near the water is the wildlife.  Geese are not afraid of humans, and they hiss.  The other day it was just hanging out on the dock and I had to walk by it.  It calmly looked at me and hissed.  It was creepy, I carried the dog.

Yesterday I found out why.  I had figured someone had a nest because most birds just don't care to stay that close to humans.  Turns out I was correct!  There is a goose sitting on a nest on the deck of a building in the marina I face.  Picture is from my porch. 

Apparently she has six eggs and they expect them to hatch relatively soon.  Then they will jump from the second story balcony they are on into the lake.  I guess it's about a week messing around before they venture out into the lake proper.  I'll try to get pictures after the fledge but I have a kind of not great one of mom hanging out.

She's the black and white spot just above the planter

It's been quite a year! or F*** 2020

 I realized the other day that it had been a while since I updated.  I am going to blame 2020 and Covid.   Brief summary of this past year: ...