Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Closing no longer delayed!

After all of the issues with the owners not being sure about the inspection claims it all changed this afternoon.  From what I understand they had contractors out today to give them estimates.  The initial plan was to get those estimates and they'd let me know next Monday.  About 3:30 today I got a signed form saying they had agreed to all of my demands.  My bet is that the contractors said the same thing my inspector said and they realized it was going to have to be fixed.

So we are looking to close next Wednesday! Omg!!  I had resigned myself to a few more weeks and now suddenly I have to do all of the things!!

My lease isn't up until the beginning of October anyway so I need to decide how much stuff I want done before I move in.  I am in the process of getting finding people to give me estimates on all the things, then I can decide what gets done and what can wait.

But we are trying to close in a week!  Next step is applying for insurance and the slip.  Hopefully that can get done in time for the loan to fund and all works out.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Closing Delayed

As I mentioned before, Totes has moisture in the hull.  The owners were completely taken by surprised so they talked to the inspector to understand what the ramifications were.  They seem to be on board and are getting contractors in to get estimates on installing the dehumidifier along with the lose cleat that was also found in the inspection.  This means that we have pushed the date of their response to the demands from today to next Monday and we pushed the anticipated closing date to August 15th. 

I'm kind of bummed but paying a mortgage and rent simultaneously for less time is good.  I'd rather get to spend more of the summer on the lake, but I'd much more rather have all of the work done well.  My bet is that they are going to ask me to split the cost of the dehumidifier, or if the price is high enough pay for it but ask that the discount not be taken.  We'll have to see what they come back with after they get estimates.  I'm not sure which I'd be more open to, in a perfect world they'd take the discount and install the dehumidifier, so we'll see.

I have requested the ability to get my own contractors in (who are still to be identified) so I can get estimates on the roof stuff and a few things inside.  The sooner I can get that work started, after closing, the better off I'll be.

And... back to packing!  And a lot of purging! 

Monday, July 23, 2018

Rethinking the move in date but Packing and Purging continues

My current lease isn't up until early October, and we are scheduled to close on the Houseboat on August 1, and I am so excited to go that I was looking to move right away.  Now I'm having second thoughts about the timing and I think I'll wait until the end of August/early September.

Between the items that the owners will have to fix and the work I want to do, it's probably better that I'm not trying to live there while we do all of the things.  I want to repaint the roof and install railings all around, we have to dry out the hull, I would *love* a ceiling fan, and it really needs screens!  Oh and I want to put in a spiral staircase instead of the ladder going to the roof.

Starting to get rid of stuff, packing things up and rethinking what I want to bring to the boat and what I don't.  I have most of my books packed up and ready to go.  Next is the kitchen, I need to do a HUGE purge in the kitchen, I have a lot of glasses, and other random things.  This won't be too hard as I did it before moving to Seattle, but there is stuff to give away.  I will advertise what is up for grabs closer in.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

I'm not a Producer but I keep pretending to be one

Let me start with, I love my job. That being said I keep trying to do a producer's job either because it's fun or just fits in with how I think, but whatever the reason I have embraced the kanban board.

It's far from perfect, my tape is going uphill for most of it, and I fully expect most of the stickies to have fallen down by tomorrow morning. However it is helping me focus on what I have to pack, what I have to get ready to be sent to my mom's and what still needs to be given away.

I'm bringing more stuff to Totes than I thought, though a lot of it is kitchen stuff that has built in storage.  Very few and very specific things are going into the new storage, the goal is to keep that as light as I can.

It's hard to see but the first item is gone! My coffee table went to it's new home today, a bunch of leftover and lunch type containers leave tomorrow and I have a taker for the chest freezer!  Once we know if the current owners are ok with my requests for fixes I'll get movers scheduled.  While I plan on moving the big furniture over asap I figure I'm going to be seeing what fits and bringing things over for a few weeks, giving away or taking to Good Will anything that isn't going to work.  The plan is to limit what I bring over and then give away.

It's been quite a year! or F*** 2020

 I realized the other day that it had been a while since I updated.  I am going to blame 2020 and Covid.   Brief summary of this past year: ...