Thursday, October 11, 2018

Update! Rain on a Boat!

I know it's been a few weeks, work is crazy, I had a birthday and I'm finally getting settled and used to living on a boat!

I managed to get into a state where I just couldn't deal anymore.  Too many boxes, too much stuff and I couldn't get a handle on it.  So two wonderful people came to my rescue and cleaned up, unpacked and got my house in a much more manageable state.  Now people can actually sit on my couch!  You can walk through and not have to dodge around all of the stuff!

I also got curtains and a second shower curtain.  The way this place is set up people enter into the bathroom.  I had mild anxiety about someone coming to the door while I was peeing, so now there is a second shower curtain to give privacy!  Also my bed is between that door and the living room, so I got curtains made to hide the bed! Now I don't have to feel bad about not making the bed (note just making the bed wasn't an option I considered).

Curtains in front of my mattress

Shower curtain in front of the head
The other thing I have been doing is listening to the rain.  It is so super peaceful, especially when there isn't any wind.

It's been quite a year! or F*** 2020

 I realized the other day that it had been a while since I updated.  I am going to blame 2020 and Covid.   Brief summary of this past year: ...