Today is just beautiful, it's not raining and the sun is out! Part of adjusting to Seattle is the lack of sun and the past week or two has been rough. Today we were sitting out on the back 'porch' and now I've got the windows open and am enjoying the mild Seattle fall.
I've managed to cook a bit on my tiny stove! I got one of those meal delivery services, but I can't get the pre-made meals since no microwave, and reheating in the toaster oven is kind of slow. I've cooked twice now and it seems viable. This weekend is the 'clean out all the stuff in the fridge that you know you're not going to use' (possibly) and using a service like this will save room there too.
A big question at this point would be 'what is different than if you just got a condo', and I think being on the water itself is my favorite difference. The gentle (sometimes) rocking of the boat is nice, but, after I got used to it, being on the water is a real selling point for living on a houseboat. The things I miss are more that this place is super small than where it is or what kind of dwelling. I think a few changes, like maybe a dishwasher, would fix my challenges inside, or maybe I just look for a bigger one in a few years. I do think I've fallen in love with living on the water.
Now that all being said, I still haven't had a *huge* storm (though there was a big one it didn't get that rough) and I haven't done a whole winter here, so I still reserve the right to change my mind next spring. But if you asked me today, I'm not going anywhere :)