Sunday, May 26, 2019

May on a boat -- Plants, Storage, and Ducks!

In the spirit of trying to update at least once a month, here is May!

The weather has been all over the place but since we tied me up with thicker rope the storms haven't bothered me as much.  The boat still moves but not nearly as much.

I've been concentrating on plants this last month.  I found an amazing nursery in Ballard called Swansons and spent more money than I probably should.  I also bought a plant stand that has a very small footprint.  I got some self watering pots and set everything up.  I'm super happy with the stand as it takes up a very small amount of space and holds so much.

All the plants!

Basic shelves are also proving extremely useful.  They can fit into some smaller spaces and are a better utilization of space.  Finding some that fit the specific area is harder, but it can be done.  Also in that picture you can see that I *finally* got the Dyson that is made to hang on the wall.... on the wall.  Wood Paneling makes it harder to hang things, simply because mistakes are pretty hard to fix, but I think it worked out well.

And while I was writing this, Sebastian started freaking out on the desk.  I went and looked and a family of ducks came to hang out!  I convinced the dog that they are not tasty morsels and they eventually got bored and left.

Mama and babies hanging out

Right off the back of the boat!

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