Sunday, July 8, 2018


When researching into Houseboats I quickly found that I would be considered a 'liveaboard' and that isn't a thing all marinas want.  While some define it a bit differently, from what I can tell a liveaboard is someone who spends more than a few weeks out of a year living on the boat.  Since Totes was build to actually be lived in, this is something that effects me.

Living aboard a boat is different than living aboard a houseboat or floating home, for obvious reasons.  Living on a boat can be a huge money saver, there are a lot of boats that aren't terribly expensive and even with the extra liveaboard fees, slip rental is a lot cheaper than rent.  I'm not in that situation.

I will have a mortgage, the houseboat was less than getting a comparable house, but it wasn't something I could buy with cash.  I will also be paying a liveaboard fee, which I'm fine with, but it's not like its super cheap.  I'm fine with the extra fee since they don't meter the water and I will be using it and the area itself much more frequently than someone who did not liveaboard their boat.

Many marinas don't allow any liveaboards, I haven't found anything on Lake Washington that will allow a houseboat liveaboard situation.  I'd love to tie up in Bellevue, it would make my commute a hell of a lot easier, but that isn't an option.  Lake Union is great and I'm looking forward to it, but I am dreading the commute.

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