Saturday, December 15, 2018

Wind storm was scary!

Last night we had a really big wind storm.

This was my first experience with really high winds and living in a houseboat.  My place would pull against the ropes and then snap back, which was unpleasant.  My tree fell over, but it is secured to the house in two different places, so it's actually better lying down in a storm.

My neighbours though, One of the taller houseboats was tipping so far to the side I thought it was going to go over.  This is making me rethink my desire for a higher boat, that was legitimately terrifying. 

My boat is facing North/South so the wind isn't hitting me full strength on the side, which helps.  I have little curtain rods in all of my cupboards so I wan't too worried about things falling out of there, but my place is a bit cluttered so there was some concern.  Everything was ok however, nothing fell inside.  I did have a package in the water but it was floating so I was able to retrieve it.  Still super unsettling, I am officially not a fan.

Ropes held, I didn't run into my neighbors, and while the internet went out for a bit the power never did!  I'll take it

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