Saturday, January 26, 2019

Sun in Seattle!

It has been a *very* long time since I've updated but honestly there wasn't much to say.  I pretty much hibernate in the winter, I'm not a fan of the dark and dreary.  I pretty much holed up in my houseboat, swapped doing laundry with heating, and played on my laptop.

But today! Today there is sun!
view from my back porch

Seattle is dark and dreary quite often, but when we get sun it is glorious.  I'm currently sitting on my couch, the dog is behind me in the sun and all seems right with the world.  Bonus dog pic (a friend told me I needed more pictures, especially of the dog)

Pup deciding that today is not the day to go swimming
I'm down to one big box that i'm not sure where it lives, and it has been sitting in my kitchen so I won't forget about it.  Beside that just about everything has a home and I am almost ready to have visitors.  Almost...

Living on a boat in the winter is hard, and the winter isn't over.  But the next few days are supposed to be sunny and (relatively) warm, so things might actually get done.

1 comment:

  1. I bought a convertible two weeks ago... having the top down has been helping... though, the top has so many holes in it now, I'm not sure having it up would be much better at warding off the cold and rain... XD


It's been quite a year! or F*** 2020

 I realized the other day that it had been a while since I updated.  I am going to blame 2020 and Covid.   Brief summary of this past year: ...