Monday, August 13, 2018

Unpacking and sorting and 353 ft is a lot smaller than I thought

For the record, I did a lot of downsizing before trying this move.  Not everything has been packed up in the old apartment still, but I'm trying to make room here.  I'm trying to get clothes in my tiny closet and I'm having trouble.  I need more storage space!

I do have internet though!  It was pre-wired which is awesome, and now I can set Alexa back up.  I've missed my morning news rundown.  I keep going to ask Alexa to remember something, or what time it is, or something else.  I believe I am addicted.

This also means I can install my August locks!  I like them because I can still use a metal key, and I will have a keypad for visitors.  Project this weekend!

Tonight I'm trying to empty boxes and sort things that need to be recycled and taken to good will because I have no room.  I'm still packing my kitchen up in the old apartment, I'll work on that more tomorrow.  Few logistical things left, and I think I'll have to downsize even more, but I'm making progress!

1 comment:

It's been quite a year! or F*** 2020

 I realized the other day that it had been a while since I updated.  I am going to blame 2020 and Covid.   Brief summary of this past year: ...